秋の訪れ - Autumn has come

今年は秋が早めに来そうだ。 なので、以前撮った山陰線の秋の風景の中の鉄道。 Autumn seems to come early this year. So a railroad (JR SANIN LINE) phot … “秋の訪れ - Autumn has come” の続きを読む

Autumn seems to come early this year.
So a railroad (JR SANIN LINE) photos in the autumn scenery which I took before.

阿川駅 – AGAWA Station

つばめのヒナ – The chicks of the swallow

結構遅めだと思うが、燕のヒナがいた。瀬の本高原なので、結構涼しいので子育てができるのだろう。 There was the chicks of the swallow. It is the end in summer in … “つばめのヒナ – The chicks of the swallow” の続きを読む

There was the chicks of the swallow.
It is the end in summer in a season. The time is so late. But this place is SENOMOTO plateau, child care will be made quite cool in this place.

秋の使者 – An autumn messenger, a dragonfly

立秋も過ぎ、台風が2つもやってきた。もう、季節は秋なのか。秋の使者トンボ。 ノシメトンボ – Sympetrum infuscatum ナツアカネ – Sympetrum darwinianum


ノシメトンボ – Sympetrum infuscatum

ナツアカネ – Sympetrum darwinianum

夏が来た – Summer has come



元気のないすずめ – An ill sparrow

元気のないすずめがいた。のどにつまるのか、餌を食べる速度も遅い。目をつぶってきつそうにしている。右目の後ろあたりが具合がわるそうだ。しばらくいて、どこかに飛んで行ったが。元気になってくれるといいが...。 I saw a … “元気のないすずめ – An ill sparrow” の続きを読む

I saw a spallow, it doesn’t look well. Something seems to be wrong with it back area of the right eye. Eatin really slowly. After for a while this sparrow flew somewhere. I hope it should get well.


最近のすずめ。結構ヒナが育って、若鳥が増えている。くちばしの根元のわずかな黄色で、若鳥とわかる。すずめは毎日元気だなあ。 Today’s sparrow. A young bird has grown up. … “最近のすずめ” の続きを読む

Today’s sparrow. A young bird has grown up. I’ve seen numbers of chicks. You can see, there are slight yellow the root of the beak. Those are chicks. They are very cheerful every day.

せみ – Cicada

いよいよ、夏本番。蝉が鳴き出した。生まれてすぐの蝉なのか、木の幹をゆっくり上がっていく蝉がいた。 It is almost summer. A cicada has begun to chirp. The cicada … “せみ – Cicada” の続きを読む

It is almost summer. A cicada has begun to chirp. The cicada climb tree slowly. Probably he was just born.

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